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From queer spaces to queerer ecologies: Recasting Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind to further mobilise & anticipate historically marginal stakeholders in environmental planning for community development

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2012. From queer spaces to queerer ecologies: Recasting Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind to further mobilise & anticipate historically marginal stakeholders in environmental planning for community development. European Journal of Ecopsychology 3 (Queer Ecologies issue): 53 – 80.

PDF available: ingram-2012-queer-spaces-to-queerer-ecologies-e-j-of-ecopsychology

‘Warrior’s Feather Head Dress’ Cowichan man by Edward S. Curtis 1913

This individual would have had considerable knowledge of the second case study in this paper, the south-west slope ofMount Maxwell on Salt Spring Island, that was a few miles away from his village.