red cedar (Thuja plicata) snag Skagit cottonwoods ecological reserve 6 1979 by Gordon Brent Ingram(small)


sagebrush & barbed wire Field's Lease ER Osoyoos June 1979 Gordon Brent Ingram(small)

sagebrush & bunchgrass (2) Field's Lease ER Osoyoos June 1979 Gordon Brent Ingram(small)

sagebrush & bunchgrass Field's Lease ER Osoyoos June 1979 Gordon Brent Ingram(small)

valley bottom Red cedars upper Skagit River June 1979 Gordon Brent Ingram (small)

cascara - upper Skagit River June 2012 Gordon Brent Ingram (small)

Devil's club - Red cedar valley forest - upper Skagit River 6 1979 Gordon Brent Ingram(small)

riparian woodland with fallen Red cedar - upper Skagit Valley June 1979 Gordon Brent Ingram(small)


Garry oak - Mt Maxwell Ecological Reserve Salt Spring Island June 1979 #1 Gordon Brent Ingram

Garry oak woodland Mt Maxwell Eco Reserve (Salt Spring Is) June 1979 #3 Gordon Brent Ingram(small)



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visual, textual & territorial investigations of some ecosystems and cultural landscapes along and near the West Coast of North America