Impending dust-storm north of Iférouane and Tamgak, Aïr-Mountains, Niger December 1985 during the great Sahel famine – photograph by Gordon Brent Ingram
These surveys of various parts of the Sahel region took place in the years of the great famine from 1984 through 1987. Much of my work was to assess what human communities and habitats were surviving and remaining resilient and which are at risk and in many cases received subsequent attention and were the subjects of donations and interventions from international organizations. Some parts of some of my summaries were published, exhibited, and discussed publicly including through the following work.
Ingram, G. B. 1986. Report on a survey and germplasm collecting mission to northern Cameroon. Report to the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. On file, Rome. AGPG: IBPGR 86/182.
Ingram, G. B. 1986. Eco-geographic surveys. in International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, FAO Report, “In-house” review on the collection of wild species relatives of major crop plants. Rome 8 – 11 December, 1986. on file, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome (AGPG: IBPGR 85/147). Appendix IV pp. 1 – 4.
Gordon Brent Ingram. 1986. Sahel survey documents plant genetic resources in Nature and Resources (Paris) XXII (1 & 2): 45 – 49. PDF copy available: Ingram 1986 Sahel survey documents plant genetic resources in Nature and Resources XXII (1 & 2) pages 45 – 49
Ingram, G. B. 1990. Multi-gene pool surveys in areas with rapid genetic erosion: An example from the Aïr Mountains, northern Niger. Conservation Biology (New York) 4(1): 78 – 90. PDF copy available: Ingram 1990 Surveys in the Aïr Mtns, Nige
Gordon Brent Ingram. 1991. Gardens of Despair: Tuareg responses to desertification, Aïr Mountains, Niger / Jardins De Désespoir: Réaction des Tuaregs devant l’expansion du désert, montagne de l’Aïr, Niger, Royal Institute of British Architects Gallery, London, 12 colour photographs and 24 black and white photographs, 12 drawings plus text. August and September 1991. reviews Andrew Palmer, Staging the self – Photography / Andrew Palmer on the civilised delights of Cindy Sherman and the desperate lives of the Tuareg. The Independent (London UK) 16 August, 1991: 17. & Kent, Sarah. `Gardens of Despair.’ (London) Time Out (London) (September 11-18, 1991) 1099: 42.
Ingram. 1991. Gardens of despair: Tuareg responses to desertification, Aïr Mountains, Niger, Royal Institute of British Architects, London, lecture as part of the opening of an exhibition.
Ingram. 1992. Desertification and village responses in the Sahel: Towards a model of vernacular evolution, garden ecosystems and sustainability. Istituto de Ecologia, Facolta di Scienze, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Italy.
Farm workers, Tchintoulous, Aïr Mountains, Niger, December 1985 during the great Sahel famine – photograph by Gordon Brent Ingram
Gordon Brent Ingram
studio[at sign] |