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KEXMIN field station: Ongoing Salt Spring Island field research & development of new field courses in landscape ecology

Salt Spring Island mosaic 2014

The work of KEXMIN field station centres on fostering new kinds of conversations spanning traditional Salish knowledge, modern environmental science, and contemporary culture in the hopes of driving new policy, design approaches, and public art. And central to much of this work is a renewed empiricism around ecosystems, species (especially species at risk), indigenous legacies in the landscape (including archaeological sites and contemporary stewardship, harvesting, and leadership protocols) and sea / landscape processes (‘landscape ecology’) in the context of global change especially related to climate and pollution.

Salt Spring Islands, one of the larger of the land masses of the continental archipelago spanning the San Juan and Gulf Islands, is on the northern margins of Oregonia: relatively high latitude, summer-drought often fire-dependent ecosystems under maritime climatic influences that include the erratic ‘Pacific High’. Like the Saanich Peninsula directly to the south, Salt Spring appears to have been colonized by hundreds of Californian in the warm period roughly 4,000 and 5,000 years after the retreat of the ice of the last glacial period. As the decades progress and more field research is conducted, and so far this work has only been in the cursory stages, scores more rare, disjunct, and ‘at risk’ species are being confirmed on Salt Spring. Within the suburbanizing, northern margins of these ecosystems, Salt Spring is a relative refuge for hundreds of species, often associated more with lower latitudes in Oregon and California, with a range of relatively remote land areas and some strategic protected areas. This is much more to learn from these relatively diverse, island ecosystems and shifting landscapes.

I began field work on Salt Spring Island, just eight miles north of where I grew up, in 1979, conducted field research for my MSc thesis in Ecosystem Management, postdoctoral studies through The University of British Columbia, and started teaching field courses in landscape ecology there twenty-five years ago.

So every few years, we find the time for extended field work with this year’s focus on Burgoyne Bay and Mount Maxwell — a biologically rich area, that while largely in protected area status, has seen only cursory biological inventorying and landscape ecology surveying. We hope to continue this field work in coming years as both consulting and teaching and researchers collaborating in the fledgling KEXMIN field station.

As well as renewing baseline work in over ten species at risk, we returned to two indicator species for this complex mosaic of fire-dependent ecosystems spanning shore bluffs, grassland, Garry oak savannah and woodland, and old-growth Douglas fir parkland.

castle & ingram 2014 May 8 Camassia leichtlinii re-establishing in Mt Maxwell ER in the 2009 June 12 - 15 wildfire burn area 1 (small)

Camassia leichtlinii re-establishing half way up the south-west face of Mount Maxwell of Salt Spring Island
In recent decades, the two northern species of camas, Camassia leichtlinii and C. quamash, have been disappearing markedly on Salt Spring Island and other Gulf Islands. Fields of camas were harvested and stewarded by Salish women who have been effectively obstructed from their gardens for more than a century. Similarly, controlled burning based on five millennia of Salish knowledge, and often carefully focused on maintaining sites of camas and other nutritious bulbs, has been outlawed. And sheep grazing, that initially involved Salish engaging in more western agriculture, began in the 1850s and continued until 2001 (even in the original boundaries of the Ecological Reserve) along with a large feral population. And spiking, native deer populations, buoyed by the lack of historical predators and hiking, have grazed remaining the tops of blooming camas bulbs before they have been able to produce seed.

castle & ingram 2014 May 8 Camassia leichtlinii re-establishing in Mt Maxwell ER in the 2009 June 12 - 15 wildfire burn area 2(small)

In this area of Mount Maxwell, where the original Ecological Reserve was established in the early 1970s, Cowichan food gatherers were active and burning until the 1930s. Since then, the Garry oak savannah, the original Salish fields, have grown in to woodland and Douglas fir forest. And in 1980-81, I proposed re-establishment of some controlled burning in this area in a report to the Ecological Reserves Unit of the Province of British Columbia (as part of my M.Sc. thesis in Ecosystem Management).

castle & ingram 2014 May 8 Camassia leichtlinii re-establishing in Mt Maxwell ER in the 2009 June 12 - 15 wildfire burn area 1 (small)

As as the decades have passed, the population of flowering camas on Salt Spring Island have plummeted. Curiously, one of the few signs of any increase in camas populations and ANY reproduction has been seen in the area burned in the June 12 – 15, 2009. What is unclear, after this May 8, 2014 site report, is whether or not there has been an increase in camas throughout the burned areas or just those that saw the application (or more likely lack of application) of fire retardant. Another question is whether or not the seed that was maturing ever became viable or was browsed before.

#1 Pacific dogwood in a rainstorm 2014 May 8 Mt Maxwell Salt Spring Island - castle & ingram #05 (small)

Pacific dogwood, Cornus nuttallii, half-way up the south-west face of Mount Maxwell, Salt Spring Island

At the northern margins of its range, Pacific dogwood, Cornus nuttallii, is a particularly beautiful, and increasingly rare, flowering tree. On the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, ‘dogwood’ is largely confined to the edges of underground streams with year-round moisture but rarely truly riparian. On the south-west face of Mount Maxwell on Salt Spring Island, relatively dry and with soil ph levels relatively higher and less acidic, there is a ‘draw’ that drains a glorious swamp near the top of the mountain (on the summit road about 1 kilometers before the parking lot) and quickly becomes a stream emptying into Burgoyne Bay (about 2 kilometers north along the shore from the Burgoyne public wharf). In 2011, the parcel with lower part of this seasonal stream was finally acquired for protection by Nature Trust and in 2014 was quite drinkable. And going up the stream through the oak meadows this ‘draw’ continues to be full of ‘dogwood’.

#2 Pacific dogwood in a rainstorm 2014 May 8 Mt Maxwell Salt Spring Island - castle & ingram #03(small)

I have been photographing this particular grove of dogwoods, half way up Mount Maxwell, for thirty-five years now. There has been no sign, so far, of the introduced Dogwood anthracnose (dogwood leaf blotch) blights from the introduced fungus Discula destructiva. When finding these trees again, in a violent rainstorm on the 14th of May, 2014, all we had to make photographs were un-smart cellular telephones. But these were the same trees that I photographed decades before with medium-format Rolleiflex and Pentax cameras.

#3 Pacific dogwood in a rainstorm 2014 May 8 Mt Maxwell Salt Spring Island - castle & ingram #01(small)

These photographs were taken in collaboration with Julian Castle. We jointly made these exposures and montages as ‘castle & ingram’.

#4 Pacific dogwood in a rainstorm 2014 May 14 Mt Maxwell Salt Spring Island - castle & ingram #07 (small)

The Tree Question: Field research & cultivation practices in community-based public art in an age of ecological crises


title of The Tree Question

Gordon Brent BROCHU-INGRAM, KEXMIN field station, Salt Spring Island, Canada

PowerPoint presentation: 2016 April 25 Brochu-Ingram TransHEAD ‘The Tree Question’ PowerPoint

abstract: 2016 April 25 Brochu-Ingram TransHEAD ‘tree’ presentation

bilingual notes: (trad) 2016 April 25 Brochu-Ingram TransHEAD ‘tree’ presentation

2016 April presentation Geneva University of Art & Design

Trans – Mediation, Education, * Haute École d’art et de design Genève HEAD


The Tree Question:

Field research & cultivation practices in

community-based public art in an age of ecological crises



Since the pioneering 1982 intervention by Joseph Beuys, the 7000 Eichen – Stadtverwaldung statt Stadtverwaltung) / 7000 Oaks – City Forestation Instead of City Administration, tree planting, and cultivation more generally, have increasingly become contemporary art practice. Employment of such cultivation interventions, as contemporary art and not as landscape architecture, have nearly always used as a way to challenge particular notions and demarcations of the ‘public’, on one hand, and experiences of communities, landscapes and ecosystems, on the other hand. Such a set of oppositional tactics often contrasts itself with professionalized landscape architecture more often employed to re-enforce the status quo of public space. And since documenta 7, a raft of experimental artists have rifted on notions of agriculture (and silviculture, horticulture, and permaculture) as visual culture most notably Alan Sonfist (et al 2014, Landi 2011), Ron Benner (2008), the Fallen Fruit collective (Goodyear 2012), and Sam Van Aken (Brooks 2014). But precisely how ‘contemporary’ are such tree planting ‘works’ and how are associated practices and conceptualizations changing as ecological crises intensify, as cultural signifiers shift, as access to scientific information increases, and as data sources and ecological and social paradigms diversify? And how do these Western and often Eurocentric aesthetic movements, involving trees and urban space, construct relationships with recoveries and practices of indigenous communities often at odds with modernity?


One point of inquiry is provided by Claire Bishop’s 2012 note that, “Beuys drew a conceptual line between his output as a sculptor and his discursive / pedagogic work” (page 245), the latter including his tree planting. But if cultivation is more of a conceptual disruptor and teaching opportunity than part of artistic production to produce an art work, why does the aesthetic importance of trees for interventions in public space continue to increase? A more problematic and indefinite set of questions derive from the divergent and shifting uses of tree planting in contemporary culture. For example, there is no sign that the 1982 intervention in Kassel was intended to contribute to carbon sequestration or to conserve local habitat and species, or to build community through sharing fruit as in the recent tree planting work in Los Angeles of Fallen Fruit. Today, it would be difficult to plant a tree, as a contemporary art work, without professed relationships to countering climate change, gentrification, and homelessness and contributing to carbon sequestration, food security, and social equity. So like painting, drawing, and sculpture, the basic ‘materials’ of tree planting, however organic, are infinitely pliable — as long as respective organisms and ecosystems can survive and be part of public space. There is an implicit aesthetic of survival.


What are the diverse roles of science in these forms of artistic research? In particular, how does tree-planting-as-contemporary-art challenge, expand, and re-enforce broader art movements such as,

  1. various forms of community participation as art (embodied in the work of Suzanne Lacey and Martha Rosler),
  2. scientific experimentation as in ‘wetware’ and biological modification,
  3. traditional knowledge and other indigenous experiences,
  4. relational aesthetics as new forms of education and community aesthetic engagement, and
  5. micro-urban tactics that transform multiple publics?

Or do the heightened skills and artifice required to sufficiently manipulate a site in deteriorating environments, to insure that trees will thrive, represent another kind of cultivation of culture that signals a new and more tenuous phase of the “Anthropocene” (Wark 2015)? In other words, are the creative perspectives and practices of contemporary artists, particularly collaboratives and collectives, increasingly necessary to keep communities, ecosystems, and public spaces ‘alive’, diverse, and evolving?


Brochu-Ingram presents some early results from some of his ongoing investigations, designs, and interventions in the Vancouver and Geneva regions.



Benner, Ron. 2008. Gardens of a Colonial Present / Jardins d’un Present Colonial. London, Ontario: London Museum.

Beuys, Joseph. 1982. 7000 Eichen – Stadtverwaldung statt Stadtverwaltung) / 7000 Oaks – City Forestation Instead of City Administration. Kassel, Hesse: documenta 7.

Bishop, Claire. 2012. Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship. New York: Verso.

Brooks, Katherine. 2014. This One Tree Grows 40 Different Types Of Fruit, Is Probably From The Future. The Huffington Post (July 24, 2014)

Goodyear, Dana. 2012. Eat A Free Peach: Mapping “Public Fruit.” The New Yorker (March 12, 2012).

Landi, Ann. 2011. Separating the Trees from the Forest: Alan Sonfist has built a career as an urban land artist. ARTnews (Summer 2011) (POSTED 08/15/11 5:58 PM).

Sonfist, Alan, Wolfgang Becker, and Robert Rosenblum. 2004. Nature, The End of Art: Environmental Landscapes. New York: Distributed Art Publishers.

Wark, Mckenzie. 2015. Molecular Red: Theory for the Anthropocene. London: Verso.

Ecological, ethnobotanical & design studies of wild cherry, Prunus virginiana, and wild crabapple, Malus fusca, on the Gulf Islands

0 chokecherry 2016 August 9 - 11 grunenfelder & ingram***IMG_0557

chokecherry, Prunus virginiana, Fulford Harbour, Salt Spring Island 2016 August 9 through 12, photographs by Alex Grunenfelder & Gordon Brent Brochu-Ingram

chokecherry 2016 August 9 - 11 grunenfelder & ingram**IMG_0047




crabapple 2016 August 11 & 12 grunenfelder & ingram***IMG_0978

Pacific crabapple, qwa’upulhp (in the downriver dialect of Halkomelem), Malus fusca, north of the site of the village of Xwaaqw’um, Burgoyne Bay, Salt Spring Island 2016 August 11 & 12, photographs by Alex Grunenfelder & Gordon Brent Brochu-Ingram


crabapple 2016 August 11 & 12 grunenfelder & ingram***IMG_1190small


grants & other funded research

tiles, Shrine of Baha-ud-Din Zakaria, Multan, Pakistan 3 March 2007,

photograph by Gordon Brent Ingram

Except where indicated, all funding obtained was as the primary investigator. Institutional applications made by Ingram on behalf of a research group that included him are indicated with this symbol: ^^^


2014    A la recherche de certaines récoltes presque perdu: Decolonising permaculture: The greatest adversity comes from forgetting (castle & ingram), for Utopiana artist centre, Geneva as part of their series, Nature, adversity, etc., Utopiana artist centre (City of Geneva).    CDN$6,000.


2013    Research on the West Coast of Canada and lecture development for a series and conference at The University of Toronto on Decolonial Aesthetics, Canada Council for the Arts and the University of Toronto.    CDN$3,000.

2010    Research and production for the project, Produce Produce at the Arnica Artist-run Centre, Kamloops, British Columbia.    CDN$2,000.

2007   Initial development a biodiversity conservation centre in cooperation between George Mason University, Virginia, and the Smithsonian Institution as coordinated by that university’s Department of Environmental Science and Policy. ^^^   US$300,000.

2006   Research fund for expanded field research and overseas teaching in Islamic, Arabic language, and Middle East Studies at George Mason University.^^^ US$250,000.

2005 – 2007 Field studies in Pakistan in cultural landscapes and environmental conservation, George Mason University.    US$50,000.

2004 – 2005 Research and lecture development as well as presentations in United Arab Emirates and Oman on new approaches to conservation and restoration of heritage landscapes and neighbourhoods as contemporary site-based cultural production.   CDN$2,000.

2003 – 2005 Research on public open space and urban public sites in the Gulf countries of the Middle East, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning and Design, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Local government of Sharjah. ^^^    US$30,000.

2002 – 2003 Lecture series at the Quaid College and urban public space and public art design charette, Lahore, Pakistan, Canada Council for the Arts.  CDN$2,000.

1999 – 2001 Travel and field research block grant for Pakistan, Bangladesh, and southern China, International Institute for Aerospace Survey & Earth Sciences (ITC), University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.   US$60,000.

1999 Creation / Production Grant in Architecture for designs & writing in landscape architecture & public art, Canada Council for the Arts.  CDN$15,000.

1998 Travel Grant in urban design and landscape architecture criticism research in Venice and Rotterdam. Canada Council for the Arts.   CDN$1,000.

1998 Archive development and archive-based research on landscape architecture and environmental design projects and respective designers, University of California Berkeley College of Environmental Design, Beatrix Jones Farrand Fund. ^^^ US$30,000.

1998 Grant from Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts for the writing of article and book manuscripts on public art and critical social theory.   US$5,000.

1997 Critics and Curators Travel Grant for conference speaking and research on landscape aesthetics and ecologically oriented public art – Toronto and Los Angeles, Canada   Council for the Arts    CDN$1,122.

1995    Explorations Program Grant for completion of anthology, Queers in Space: Communities | Public Places | Sites of Resistance and development of a curatorial concept and framework for a series of exhibitions of descriptions and new designs for public space, Canada Council for the Arts.     CDN$14,400.

1995 Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation – (application as Karen Vagelatos and Ingram): Native plants for residential landscapes: Design and management guidelines for southwestern British Columbia.    CDN$20,000.

1994 Residence Abroad in Architecture Program for Development of photoessay, dall oscurita all oscurita: The ecology of imagery, ideology, and public open space in Rome. CDN$10,000.

1993 Canada-Southeast Asia Policy Paper Grant: Implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity for institutional development in Indonesia and Malaysia, Canada-Asean Centre (University of Toronto – York University) .   CDN$10,000.

1992 Designs for biodiversity conservation geographic information systems for nature reserves with remaining subtropical and tropical forest in China, International Development Research Centre (IDRC of Canada).    CDN$10,620.

1992 Geographic information systems for biosphere reserves in subtropical China, International Development Research Centre (IDRC of Canada).   CDN$11,000.

1992 Biodiversity and GIS of Eastern Islands (Indonesia) Project, Province of British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology.  CDN$5,000.

1991 Tofino Creek Biodiversity Study, Clayoquot Sound (on the west coast of Vancouver Island), British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Lands.    CDN$7,170.

1991 Exhibition support for the photoessay, “Gardens of Despair: Tuareg responses to desertification, Aïr Mountains, Niger” at the Royal Institute of British Architects, London, Government of Canada Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  CDN$500.

1989 British Columbia Scholars in China Grant, for ecological monitoring in biosphere reserves with humid forest, Province of British Columbia.   CDN$2,000.

1989 New Faculty Equipment Grant, University of British Columbia. CDN$4,400.

1989 University of British Columbia Block Grant, for monitoring local biological diversity and plant genetic resources for environmental planning and land management, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada.    CDN$20,000.

1990    The role of women in village fuel wood planting and management in eastern Kenya (and the impacts of the AIDS pandemic on woodland management) for UBC doctoral student Theresa Aloo, Canadian International Development Agency.     CDN$3,000.

1990 Environmental Management Development in Indonesia Project of Dalhousie University and funded by the Canadian International Development Agency for surveying communities and environments of the islands of eastern Indonesia including support for the UBC Landscape Ecology GIS Laboratory and Dalhousie University. ^^^    CDN$180,000.

1988    Community and institutional assessments and related conservation planning research on Fergusson Island, D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago, Papua, New Guinea, World Wildlife Fund – Australia.    USA$5,000.

1988 Conservation biology research on islands in Papua, New Guinea and Indonesia, Graduate Dean’s Research Grant, University of California Berkeley  US$5,000.

1986    Landscape and cultural surveys on Pacific and Indian Ocean islands with indigenous community initiatives for conservation of rainforest. World Wildlife Fund, Gland, Switzerland.       US$2,000.

1986 Environmental, community, agricultural, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveys of crop and forage genetic resources in the Sahel – northern Cameroon field work, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). ^^^     US$20,000.

1986 Environmental, community, agricultural, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveys of crop and forage genetic resources in west Sumatra, Indonesia with a focus on wild citrus, CGIAR and FAO. ^^^  US$25,000.

1986 Environmental, community, agricultural, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveys of crop and forage genetic resources in the Sahel, Aïr Mountains, northern Niger, CGIAR and FAO.  ^^^  US$25,000.

1985 Environmental, community, agricultural, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveys of crop and forage genetic resources in the Sahel, Aïr Mountains, northern Niger, CGIAR and FAO. ^^^ US$20,000.

1985 Environmental, community, agricultural, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveys of crop and forage genetic resources in the Sahel, Burkina Faso and central and northern Mali, CGIAR and FAO. ^^^ US$25,000.

1984 Environmental, community, agricultural, ethnobotanical and ecogeographical surveys of crop and forage genetic resources in the Sahel, Aïr Mountains, northern Niger, CGIAR and FAO.    ^^^  US$15,000.

1984 Environmental, community, ecogeographical and ethnobotanical surveys of arid tree, Prosopis species in southern Yemen, the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, CGIAR and FAO.  ^^^ US$15,000.

1981 Project Cost Grant, Visual Arts, Canada Council to document my experiences as a Metis guide working in the Spatsizi and Edziza wilderness areas and cultural landscapes of north-western British Columbia.    CDN$5,000.



select public service & pro bono advising

clearcut adjacent to Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway line, February 1990,

photograph by Gordon Brent Ingram

·Advising on the restoration of the historical landscape and native forests of the park for the Moghal hunting lodge, Hiran Minar, Sheikupura, Pakistan, 2004 to present.

·Advising to the Leadership for Environment and Development Organisation (LEAD) – Lahore, Pakistan, 2002, on environmental education for elementary and secondary school teachers and decision-making frameworks in restoration of urban ecosystems.

·Urban designer on the City of Vancouver Public Art Committee, appointed by City Council. 1999 & 2000.

·The Canada Council for the Arts, jury member in review of proposals for Institutional Programmes in Visual Arts and Architecture, 1999.

·The Canada Council for the Arts, review of proposals for Institutional Programmes in Architecture, 1997.

·Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, dissertation review, 1996.

·Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (of Canada), proposal review, 1995.

·Greater Vancouver Regional District, advising on landscape ecology, restoration ecology, and site planning for the south end of Wreck Beach, 1995.

·Scientific advisor, Italian Nature Map Project of the Institute of Ecology, University of Parma and the Italian Ministry of Environment, 1994.

·Advisor to the Mamaleleqala Qwe’qwq’sot’ Enox Band, Campbell River, British Columbia on development and conservation planning for the Broughton Archipelago Provincial Park, 1993.

·Collaborator and advisor, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Direccion de Recursos Naturales y Turismo for development of a framework for conservation planning on small off-shore islands with a geographic information system component, 1993.

·British Columbia Ministry of Forests Research Branch, research submissions and consultations on forest conservation, 1992 to 1994.

·Selection Committee for CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) Awards for Canadians, Canadian Bureau for International Education, Ottawa, 1992 to 1995.

·Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (of Canada), proposal review, 1992.

·Co-organizer of Technical Group on the In situ Conservation of Genetic Resources – An international scientific exchange under the auspices of the IUCN (The World Conservation Union), 1992.

·The World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland – Co-organizer on a consultant basis for technical advice, rapporteur and administration for Workshop IV.6 Managing Protected Areas to Conserve Genetic Resources, IV WORLD CONGRESS ON NATIONAL PARKS AND PROTECTED AREAS, Caracas, Venezuela, February, 1992.

·World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, England -Research consultant on status of in situ conservation of crops and wild relatives of crops – World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, England, 1991 and 1992.

·Technical advisor on geographic information systems to WILD Project of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, Vancouver, 1991 to 1993.

·Exhibitor in a series at the Royal Institute of British Architects on more ecological approaches to design and planning, 1991.

·Member of Ecological Research and Inventory Team of the Old Growth Strategy Task Force, Ministry of Forests, 1990 and 1991.

·Member of the Canadian Society for Landscape Ecology and Management Secretariat Standing Committee, 1990 and 1991.

·Project advisor, Environmental Management Development in Indonesia. Administered through Dalhousie University, Halifax and CIDA, 1990 and 1991.

·Conservation biology consultant to the World Wildlife Fund of Australia on sensitive shore and rainforest habitats on the islands off-shore of New Guinea, 1988 and 1989. Researcher on the conservation biology of New Guinea off-shore islands, Biology Department, University of Papua, New Guinea, 1989 and 1990.

·Member of the Ad hoc Committee on the In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources of the Ecosystem Conservation Group of the UN technical organizations with IUCN and the CGIAR (1984 to 1986) with meetings in Rome, Paris and Geneva with liaison meetings in Washington and London. Participation was through the Food and Agriculture Organization with research funding from the CGIAR.

·Radio host, weekly programme on regional and international politics, culture and music, KAOS ‘chaos’ radio, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, 1975 – 1976.

·Researcher, New Democratic Party Caucus supervised by Bob Skelly, MLA, Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in its first New Democratic Party (‘labour’) government on environmental corruption of a previous government in the nineteen fifties around development of new policy for regulation of the logging and mining industries, 1975 – 1976.

·Chair, Political Action Committee, New Community School, Oakland, California, 1971 – 1972.

supervision & collaboration

1990 deforestation study, Lombok, Nusa Tengara, Indonesia by Gordon Brent Ingram


Theses supervised & committees chaired, The University of British Columbia

Master of Science in Forestry

·Ms. Jacquie Booth, Department of Forest Resources Management

report topic: Forest conversion in the Amazon Basin. 1989 to 1990. successfully defended.

·Ms. Alix Flavelle, Department of Forest Resources Management

thesis title:

A traditional agro-forestry landscape on Fergusson Island, Papua New Guinea.

1989 to 1991. successfully defended.

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry

·Ms. Theresa Aloo, Department of Forest Resources Management

thesis topic:

Fuel wood and tree planning: A case study from Funyula Division in western Kenya.

[women, AIDS, loss of knowledge for environmental management, and disruption of replanting of fuel wood species in a highly cultural landscape]. 1989 to 1993. successfully defended.

Supervision of researchers

UBC Landscape Ecology Geographic Information System Laboratory

·Ms. Laura Safarian – Manager of the laboratory and the data base, 1991.

·Mr. Titayanto Pieter – Research associate for the research on eastern Indonesia, 1990 and 1991.

·Ms. Michele Weiberg – Tofino Creek Biodiversity Study, 1991.

·Mr. Nick Page – Tofino Creek Biodiversity Study, 1991.

·Ms. Margaret van Dijk – Tofino Creek Biodiversity Study, 1991.

·Ms. Alix Flavelle – various projects on landscape ecology and the in situ conservation of wild plants with genetic resources, 1990 to 1993.

·Ms. Milena Calendino – literature review of public participation in forest land use planning, 1993.

·Mr. Roderick MacFarland – Unix workstations for environmental planning research, conservation planning for the biosphere reserve of southern China, 1990 to 1993.

·Mr. Vince Amendolagine – landscape planning theory for conservation of biological diversity, 1994.

research collaborations:

·Dr. Liu Chuang, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Beijing -application of landscape ecology principles for the development of geographic information systems, and underlying geomatics theory, for biodiversity conservation, 1992.

·Professor Zhao Xianying, Director-General, Man and the Biosphere Programme National Committee (China), Chinese Academy of Sciences – surveying biodiversity and development of geographic information systems for some protected forests in southern China, 1992.

University of California Berkeley Department of Landscape Architecture and

Environmental Planning 1998,

research, Master of Landscape Architecture students

·Mr. Patrick McGanin, archives of the California landscape architecture, Thomas Dulliver Church & the early confluence of modernism and ecological design

·Mr. Jake Tobias, archives of the California landscape architecture, Thomas Dulliver Church & the early confluence of modernism and ecological design

International Institute for Aerospace Survey & Earth Sciences

·Mr. Kiran Paudyal, 1999 to 2000, Professional Master’s degree final project, Buffer Zone Design and Management: Policy issues for biodiversity conservation in protected forests (A case study of the buffer zone of Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal).

·Mr. Dhanapaul, 1999 to 2000, Professional Master’s degree final project, A Database for Tree Species with Implications on Forest Biodiversity Conservation in Jutpani VDC in Chitwan District, Nepal.

·Mr. Ghayyas Ahmad Raja, 2000 to present, M.Sc. thesis on conservation of scrub forest in the Salt Range of Pakistan

·Mr. Syed Abu, 2000 to present, M.Sc. thesis on detecting patterns of mangrove degradation and fragmentation in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh

·Ms. Grace Nangendo, 1999 to present, in latter phases of M.Sc. thesis and for Ph.D. proposal on conservation of forest and savanna biodiversity in Uganda through maintenance of traditional land use practices involving burning.

·Davide Geneletti, Free University of Amsterdam – Tutoring on introductory aspects of his 2002 Ph.D. indicator species in landscape ecological evaluation for environmental impact assessment with a case study of a mountain valley in northern Italy, 1999 and 2000.

Royal Roads University outside supervision

·Catherine Miller. Management requirements and land covenants for conservation of Garry Oak and associated ecosystems In British Columbia. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.Sc. in Environment and Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada. co-supervision 2001 and 2002.

University of Victoria School of Environmental Studies

·Chris Ferguson, primary supervision for directed research entitled, `Ecogeographical Surveying of Salish Garry Oak Ecosystem Agricultural plants with a case study of Mt. Maxwell, Salt Spring Island,” Restoration of Natural Systems Program, School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, 2002.

George Mason University Department of Environmental Science and Policy

·Chuck Fowler, a Ph.D. student with doctoral research on GIS as other geomatics tools for environmental risk assessment related to habitat protection in suburban areas such as Greater Miami and the Florida Keys

·Kwame Boakye-Agyei, a Ph.D. student with doctoral research on participatory GIS of a tribal society for conservation of forest habitat and wildlife species in Ghana

·Amy Bauer, a Ph.D. student analyzing the formation of policy on marine protected areas especially in the Caribbean

·Alex Bbarimah Owusu, a Ph.D. with doctoral research on the use of geographical information systems to community participation in environmental conservation in the savannah of northern Ghana

·Jason Hamby, an incoming Ph.D. student developing community-based, (sub)urban sustainability strategies for northern Virginia


·Dr. Ferdinando Villa, Institute of Ecology, University of Parma, tradeoff off analysis in biodiversity conservation planning, 1993 to 1995.

·Ms. Anne-Marie Bouthillette (formerly of The University of British Columbia) and Yolanda Retter, University of Southern California — cartography for tracking and respective urban design issues involving sexual minorities in public space, 1995 to 1997.

·Gavin Brown, King’s College, University of London — critical theory on historical and contemporary geographies of homosexual males, 1999 to 2003.

peer-reviewed articles

drawng from the edge of old Delhi, March 2007, Gordon Brent Ingram

A more up-to-date list is available at

Ingram, G. B. in press. From constructing rights to building multicultural, queer infrastructure: Trajectories of activism, public policy & organizational development in Vancouver. in Queer Mobilizations: Pan-Canadian Perspectives on Activism and Public Policy. Manon Tremblay editor. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2012. From queer spaces to queerer ecologies: Recasting Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind to further mobilise & anticipate historically marginal stakeholders in environmental planning for community development. European Journal of Ecopsychology 3 (Queer Ecologies issue): 53 – 80.

Ingram, G. B. 2010. Fragments, edges & matrices: Retheorizing the formation of a so-called Gay Ghetto through queering landscape ecology. in Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics & Desire. Cate Sandilands and Bruce Erickson (eds.). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. 254 – 282.

Ingram, G. B. 2007. Unresolved legacies & contested futures: Aboriginal food production landscapes, ecosystem recovery strategies and land use planning for conservation of the Garry oak ecosystems in south-western British Columbia. Undercurrents (issue on Planning, Culture and Space) 16: 15 – 19.

Ingram & Lindsay Upshaw. 2005. Gap analysis in conservation planning for cultural & less culturally modified landscapes: Prospects for northern Garry oak ecosystems in British Columbia, Monitoring the Effectiveness of Biological Conservation, Vancouver. Forrex Journal, British Columbia.

Gordon Brent Ingram & Michael Habib. 2004. Re-ordering & after: Editing ecosystems & history in the restoration of heritage landscapes under globalization. in 2004-2005 Series of the Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series 160 (International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments / University of California Berkeley College of Environmental Design).

Ingram, G. B. in press. Fields or forest? Aboriginal food production landscapes, unresolved legacies and contemporary ecosystem management of Garry oak woodlands in southwestern British Columbia. in Forest and Environmental History of the British Empire and Commonwealth. London: Oxford University Press.

Ingram, G. B. 2003. Returning to the scene of the crime: Uses of trial narratives of consensual male homosexuality for urban research, with examples from Twentieth-Century British Columbia. GLQ (Gay and Lesbian Quarterly) (New York) 10(1): 77 – 110.


Matthew Hays. 2008. Unearthing the ignored and forgotten: Retelling the entrapment case of Rex vs Singh. Xtra! West (14 August, 2008): 25 (plus cover of issue).

Ingram, G. B. 2002. Thinking like a dynamic mosaic: The relevance of landscape ecology to setting goals for biodiversity conservation & restoration for northern Garry oak ecosystems. Conference Proceedings: Restoring Garry Oak Ecosystems – Progress and Prognosis, University of Victoria April 2002, 96 – 108.

Ingram, G. B. 2001. Redesigning Wreck: Beach meets forest as location of male homoerotic culture & placemaking in Pacific Canada. in In a Queer Country: Gay and lesbian studies in the Canadian Context. Terry Goldie (ed.). Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press. 188 – 208.

Alan Sears. 2002. Queerly Canadian. Review – In a Queer Country: Gay and Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context. Arsenal Pulp Press.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. Locating ‘pretti’near’: Cartographies for decolonisation and reconstruction of gay male social space in Pacific Canada. Thamyris (Amsterdam) 7(1): 1381 – 1312. Special issue: Overcoming Boundaries: Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality, Issue Editors: Gert Hekma and Isabel Hoving.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. Mapping decolonisation in male homoerotic space in Pacific Canada. in De-Centring Sexualities: Representation and Politics Beyond the Metropolis. Richard Phillips, Diane Watt and David Shuttleton (eds.). London: Routledge. 217 – 238.

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 1999. Contests over social memory in waterfront Vancouver: Historical editing & obfuscation through public art in Waterfronts of Art I: Art for Social Facilitation. Antoni Remesar (ed.). Barcelona: Public Art Observatory, Publicacions Universitat de Barcelona. pp. 34 – 47. file of entire anthology available on-line .

Ingram, G. B. 1998. Tradeoff analysis in planning networks for in situ conservation of wild plant genetic resources. in The Proceedings of International Symposium on in situ conservation of plant genetic diversity. (edited by N. Zencirci, Z. Kaya, Y. Anikster, and W.T. Adams). , Ankara, Turkey: Central Research Institute for Field Crops publication. 373 – 384.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Marginality and the landscapes of erotic alien( n)ations. in Queers in Space: Communities | Public Places | Sites of Resistance. Ingram, G. B., A.-M. Bouthillette and Y. Retter (eds.). Seattle: Bay Press. 27 – 52.

discussed by

Guy Trebay. 1999. Queers in Space DUMBA Takes Off. The Village Voice (New York City) (May 11th 1999).

Ingram, G. B. 1997. `Open’ space as strategic queer sites. in Queers in Space: Communities | Public Places | Sites of Resistance. 95 – 125.


Guy Trebay. 1997. No Pain No Gain: The mainstreaming of kink. Village Voice (New York) November 11, 1997 XLII (45): 32 – 36. p. 36.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Tradeoff analysis in planning networks of protected areas for biodiversity conservation. Biopolicy Journal (UK) 2 (Paper 3)(PY97003):

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Integration of in situ conservation of plant genetic resources into landscape and regional planning. In Biodiversity in Managed Landscapes. Robert C. Szaro and David w. Johnston. Toronto: Oxford University Press. 454 – 476.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Conserving habitat and biological diversity: A study of obstacles on Gwaii Haanas, British Columbia. Forest and Conservation History (North Carolina) 39(2): 77 – 89.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Reclaiming territory through conservation areas: Gwaii Haanas, Haida Gwaii, 1851-1993. UnderCurrents: Critical environmental studies (Toronto) Politics of Natural Space issue: 42 – 48.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Landscapes of (un)lawful chaos: Conflicts around temperate rain forest and biological diversity in Pacific Canada. RECIEL: Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 4(3): 242 – 249.


Paula M. Pevato. 1995. Editorial. RECEIL 4(3): iii – vi.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. Institutional obstacles to conservation of habitat and biological diversity on Fergusson Island, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Pacific Affairs (Vancouver) 67(1): 26 – 45.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. Rainforest conservation initiated by traditional island communities: Implications for development planning. Canadian Journal of Development Studies (Ottawa) XV(2): 193 – 218.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. Lost landscapes and the spatial contexualizaton of queerness. UnderCurrents: Critical environmental studies (Toronto) (May 1994): 4 – 9 (issue entitled “Queer Nature”).


John Bentley Mays. 1994. Green passages / Examining the different meanings of urban territory – Queer space. Globe and Mail (Toronto) September 21, 1994: A13.

John Bentley Mays. 1994. Redefining urban space. Globe and Mail (Toronto) October 3, 1994: C7.

Ingram, G. B. and J. T. Williams. 1993. Gap analysis for in situ conservation of crop genepools: Implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Biodiversity Letters (London) 1: 141 – 148.

Vogel, J. H. and G. B. Ingram. 1993. Biodiversity versus `genetically coded functions’: The importance of definitions in conservation policy. RECIEL: Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (London) 2(2): 121 – 125.

Ingram, G. B. 1992. The remaining islands with primary rainforest: A global resource. Environmental Management (Massachusetts) 16(5): 585 – 595. Issue on problems on small islands.

Ingram, G. B. 1991. Habitat, visual and recreational values and the planning of extractive development and protected areas: A tale of three islands. Landscape and Urban Planning (Amsterdam) 21: 109 – 129.

Ingram, G. B. 1990. Multi-gene pool surveys in areas with rapid genetic erosion: An example from the Aïr Mountains, northern Niger. Conservation Biology (New York) 4(1): 78 – 90.

Ingram, G. B. 1990. The management of biosphere reserves for the conservation and utilization of genetic resources: The social choices. Impact of Science on Society (Paris) 158: 133 – 141.

Ingram, G. B. 1990. The need for knowledge from indigenous communities in planning networks of protected habitat for the conservation of biological diversity: Three island settings. in Ethnobiology: Implications and applications. Proceedings of the First International Congress on Ethnobiology (Belem, Brazil 1988). Part 2. M.J. Plotkin (ed.). Belem, Para, Goeldi Museum. 87 – 105.

Ingram, G. B. 1987. Conservation of wild plants in crop gene pools and their intraspecific variation: Current needs and opportunities in the moist forest of SE Asia. in The Conservation and Management of Endangered Plants and Animals. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Conservation and Management of Endangered Plants and Animals, Bogor, Indonesia, June 1986. C. Santiapillai and K.R. Ashby (eds.). Bogor, Indonesia, South-East Asia Center for Tropical Biology. 63-85.

Ingram, G. B. and J. T. Williams. 1984. In situ conservation of wild relatives of crops. in Crop Genetic Resources: Conservation and Evaluation. J. H. W. Holden and J.T. Williams (editors.). London, George Allen and Unwin. 163-179.


book editing & anthology essays

ceiling of Shish Mahal, Lahore Fort, Pakistan, February 2004 by Gordon Brent Ingram

Ingram, G. B., A.-M. Bouthillette and Y. Retter (eds.). 1997. Queers in Space: Communities | Public Places | Sites of Resistance. Seattle: Bay Press.

1998 Lambda Literary Foundation Award for the Best Gay and Lesbian Non-Fiction Anthology

editorial articles

·Ingram, G. B., Y. Retter, and A.-M. Bouthillette. Lost in space: Queer theory and community activism at the fin-de-millénaire. 3 – 15.

·Ingram, G. B., Y. Retter, and A.-M. Bouthillette. Part 1 – Narratives of place: Subjective and collective. 53 – 60.

·Ingram, G. B., Y. Retter, and A.-M. Bouthillette. Surveying territories and landscapes. 89 – 94.

·Ingram, G. B., Y. Retter, and A.-M. Bouthillette. Queer zones and enclaves: Political economies of community formation. 171 – 175.

·Ingram, G. B., A.-M. Bouthillette, and Y. Retter. – Placemaking and the dialectics of public and private. 295 – 299.

·Ingram, G. B., Y. Retter, and A.-M. Bouthillette. Making room: Queerscape architectures and the spaces of activism. 373 – 380.

·Ingram, G. B., Y. Retter, and A.-M. Bouthillette. Strategies for (re)constructing queer communities. 447 – 457.

reviews of Queers in Space: Communities | Public Places | Sites of Resistance

1.John Bentley Mays. 1997. Heterosexual co-op favours public over rivate places. Globe and Mail (Toronto) (July 23, 1997).

2.John Bentley Mays. 1997. Mapping the gay cityscape. Globe and Mail (July 30, 1997): A12.

3.Rick Hurlburt. 1997. Begged, borrowed and stolen: Exploring how queer communities evolve. Review of Queers in Space. Xtra West (Vancouver) 104 (July 24, 1997): 58.

4.Don Elder. 1997. Queering new space. Angles (Vancouver) (August 1997): 15.

5.Viet Dinh. 1997. Queers in Space. The Washington Blade (D.C.) (September 19, 1997) 28 (38): 46.

6.Daniel Gawthrop. 1997. Gay culture gets it straight. Vancouver Sun (November 22, 1997): H6.

7.D. S. Azzolina. 1997. Queers in space: Communities, public places, sites of resistance. Library Journal (July 1997) 122 (12): 110 – 110.

8.Richard Labonte. 1997. Design for reading. Q san francisco (1997 November):

9.Theresa DeCresecenzo. 1997. Lesbian News (Los Angeles)(November 1997): 37.

10.Rebecca Gordon. 1998. The price of visibility. Women’s Review of Books XV(6) (March 1998): 7 – 8.

11.Carol LeMasters. 1998. There’s a place for us. Lesbian Review of Books (Spring 1998) IV(3): 16 – 17.

12.Cassandra Langer. 1998. Queers in space. Women Artists News Book Review (Spring 1998): 59.

13.Joe Knowles. 1998. The end of straightdom as we know it. Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review (Winter 1998) V(1): 44 – 45.

14.Susan Miner. 1997. Queers in Space. Gay Community News (Boston) (November 1997).

15.Debbie Fraker. 1997. Queer space: making safe spaces, making spaces safe. etcetera (Atlanta) (December 5, 1997).

16.Parachute. 1998. Ouvrages théoriques. Parachute (Montréal) (January – March 1998).

17.Jonathan Alexander. 1998. Queers in Space. Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity 3(3): 259 – 262.

18.Jon Binnie. 1998. Queers in Space. Sexualities (London) 1 (3): 381 – 383.

19.Maggie Toy. 1998. Queers in Space. Architectural Design (London) 68 (9/10) (Ephemeral / Portable Architecture issue): xiii.

20.Michael Brown. 1998. Queers in Space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 16(6): 778.

21.William Leap. 1999. The queerness of queer space. New Formations 37 (Sexual Geographies issue): 133 – 135.

22.Sally Munt. 2000. Queers in Space & Making Worlds: Gender, Metaphor, Materiality. Aikan et. al. (eds.). Signs 26(1): 255 – 257.

course use as primary text book

·“Genders & Architectures” John Paul Ricco Autumn 1997 Art History, Theory, and Criticism (course 5502) The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

·“Sexual identity and urban community.” New York University College of Arts and Sciences. 1998. David Serlin.

Ingram, G. B. and M. R. Moss (editors). 1992. Landscape Approaches to Wildlife and Ecosystem Management. Morin Heights, Quebec, Polyscience. ISBN 0-921317-40-9.

editorial article

Ingram, G. B. and M. R. Moss. Towards landscape approaches to wildlife and ecosystem management. 3 – 5.

other scholarly publications

Erythronium oregonum, north-western Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, British Columbia 21 April, 2004

A more complete list is posted at

Anderson, Jill E, Robert Azzarello, Gavin Brown, Katie Hogan, Gordon Brent Ingram, Michael J. Morris & Joshua Stephens – hosted by Jamie Heckert. 2012. Queer ecology: A roundtable discussion. European Journal of Ecopsychology 3: 82 – 103.

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2011. Cruising on the Margins: Photographing The Changing Worlds of Outdoor Sex Between Males. An essay in Chad States. 2011. Cruising: Photographs by Chad States. New York: powerHouse Books. 79 – 87.

Ingram, G. B. 2009. False Creek dichotomies: Public art, marketing, and memory. PubliCity (Vancouver) 2 (The Art of Space issue): 13 – 15.

Ingram & Lindsay Upshaw. 2004. Setting goals and priorities for restoration strategies in the context of disparate historical interpretations: An example from the Garry oak and Douglas fir mosaic of Mount Maxwell, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Proceedings of the16th International Conference, Society for Ecological Restoration, Victoria, Canada. Victoria: Society for Ecological Restoration and the University of Victoria.

Ingram, G. B. 2002. Thinking like a dynamic mosaic: Towards a strategy for conserving northern Garry oak ecosystems * part 1. Menziesia (Journal of the British Columbia Native Plant Society). 7 (1): 8 – 11.

Ingram, G. B. 2002. Thinking like a dynamic mosaic: Conservation planning for the plant species at risk in northern Garry oak landscapes in BC, * part 2. Menziesia 7 (2): 8 – 12.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. Conservation of biological diversity as landscape architecture. in Workingpaper Landskabsøkologiske Skrifter. The Management of Biodiversity from a Landscape Ecological Perspective. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University. 119 – 134.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. The implications of landscape ecology for conserving the biological diversity of northern Garry oak, Quercus garryana, ecosystems. in Workingpaper Landskabsøkologiske Skrifter. The Management of Biodiversity from a Landscape Ecological Perspective. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University. 135 – 176.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. (On the beach): Practising queerscape architecture. in Practice Practise Praxis: Serial Repetition, Organizational Behaviour and Strategic Action in Architecture. Scott Sorli (ed.). Toronto: YYZ Books. 108 – 123.

Ingram, G. B. 1998. Spreading the word. An incomplete history of West Coast queer print media. Xtra West 132 (September 3, 1998): 13, 16.

Ingram, G. B. 1998. It’s a time warp: Commercial Drive has transformed from women’s places to lesbian feminist spaces to a queer neighbourhood. Xtra West 138 (November 26, 1998): 20 -21.

Ingram, G. B. 1998. The importance of public sex: Defending the homoerotics of everyday life in Vancouver. Xtra West (Vancouver) 127 (June 25, 1998): 16 – 17.

nominated Visa-Versa Award for Lesbian and Gay Journalism, 1998.

Ingram, G. B. 1998. Walking tour: It’s a time warp. Xtra West (Pride Planner special section) 129 (July 23, 1998): 17.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Vancouver as porn noir: Constructing the racialized & homophobic city. Border / Lines (Toronto) 45: 30 – 34.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Design for plant conservation: Techniques for setting boundaries of nature reserves. Plant Talk (London) 7: 26 – 29.

Bombardier, Sylvain; Anne-Marie Bouthillette, Michael Carroll, Trolley Bus, Michael Hoeschen, Jeff Gibson, Michael Howell, Gordon Brent Ingram, Bryan Langlands, Ian Pringle, Kathleen Morrissey. 1995. queers in space vancouver manifesto. UnderCurrents: Critical environmental studies 7: 56 – 57.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. The ecology of a conflict. in Clayoquot & Dissent. R. Hatch and L. Maingon (editors). Vancouver, Ronsdale Press. pages 9 – 71. ISBN 0-921870-29-9.


·Boyce Richardson. Reviews. The Silencing of Clayoquot Sound. The Canadian Forum (Toronto) December 1994, 3 pp.

·Marni Norys, Marni. Chainsaws roar where protest failed. The Comox Valley Record December 16, 1994: 20A.

·Jill Thomas. 1995. Undercurrents 7: 49 – 50.

·Michael Allen Fox. 1995. Clayoquot and Dissent. Dalhousie Review (1995): 105 – 106.

Heywood, V., G. B. Ingram, J. Black and L. Olivier. 1993. Managing protected areas to conserve genetic resources. Report of Workshop IV.6 In Parks for Life. Report on the IVth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas. Gland, Switzerland, The World Conservation Union. 175 – 176.

Ingram, G. B. 1992. Landscape indicators for conservation of biological diversity: An example from Haida Gwaii, British Columbia. in Landscape Approaches to Wildlife and Ecosystem Management. G. B. Ingram and M. R. Moss (editors). Morin Heights, Québec, Polyscience. 99 – 134.

World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1992. In situ conservation of crops and wild relatives of crops. in Global Biodiversity: Status of the Earth’s Living Resources. B. Groombridge (editor). London, Chapman and Hall. ISBN 0-412-47240-6. 544 – 549.

Ingram, G. B. 1992. Fragmentation: Towards an expanded of the vulnerability of forest habitats on islands. Proceedings of the symposium, In Harmony with Nature, International Conference on the Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity. Kheong, Y. S. and L. S. Win (editors). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Malayan Nature Society. 94 – 121.

Ingram, G. B. 1993. A diversity of islands: Ecological assessment for conservation planning in Maluku and Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. SEASPAN: The Northwest Regional Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies (Seattle) VI(3): 5.

Ingram, G. B. 1991. A world of sea and islands. Faces (Seattle) VII(IX): 12 – 16.

Ingram, G. B. 1986. Sahel survey documents plant genetic resources. Nature and Resources (Paris) XXII (1 & 2): 45 – 49.

Ingram, G. B. 1984. In situ conservation of plant genetic resources: The scientific and technical basis. Rome, FAO.

Ingram, G. B. 1983. Parks in the 21st Century. Not Man Apart (San Francisco). February / March 1983: 7.

Ingram, G. B. 1981. Protecting what’s left: Prospects for managing ecological reserves in British Columbia. Park News (Toronto) 17 (4): 10 – 13.

Daily newspapers

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2009. Lives Lived: Wilma Valeda Brochu Ingram. Globe and Mail (Toronto and Vancouver) (27 October, 2009): L6.

book, media & design reviews

Charbagh schematic drawn during field work in Pakistan, January 2004

A more complete list is posted at

Ingram, Gordon Brent. in press. Review of Christina B. Hanhardt, Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2013). Journal of American Studies.

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2013. Repopulating contentious territory: Recent strategies for indigenous North-west Coast site-based & public art. FUSE (Toronto) 36(4): 7 – 8.

Ingram, G. B. 2011. Review of Travis S. K. Kong, Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, tongzhi and golden boy, 2011, London: Routledge. Sexualities 14: 748.

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2010. REVIEW. Kohl, Benjamin and Linda Farthing. 2006. Impasse in Bolivia: Neoliberal Hegemony & Popular Resistance. New York: Zed. Journal of Radical Political Economy. 42 (3).

Ingram, G. B. 2010. Squatting in ‘Vancouverism’: Public art & architecture after the Winter Olympics. [Re-casting The Terminal City part 3]. Reviews of Trevor Boddy’s 2010 exhibit, Vancouverism; the 2010 symposium, Coming Soon: Negotiating the Expectations of Art in the Public Sphere, Audain Gallery, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver; the 2010 symposium Learning From Vancouver, The Western Front, Vancouver; Stan Douglas’s “Abbott and Cordova, 7th August 1971,” s 2009 mural of inkjet on laminate glass, Vancouver; and Ken Lum’s “from shangri-la to shangri-la” site-specific installation, Vancouver. designs for the terminal city

Ingram, Gordon Brent. 2006. CONSERVATION IS OUR GOVERNMENT NOW: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea. By Paige West. Durham (North Carolina) and London (UK). Duke University Press. 2006. Pacific Affairs: 79 (3): 568 – 569.

Ingram, G. B. 2002. Review of Mayers, James and S. Bass. 1999. Policy that works for forests and people. Policy that works for forests and people series no: 7 series overview & S. Bass. 2000. Participation in the Caribbean. A Review of Grenada’s Forest Policy Process.Policy that works for forests and people no. 10 Discussion paper. London: International Institute for Environment and Development. Progress in Development Studies 2(4): 354-356.

Ingram, G. B. 2001. Garry oak ecosystems: Protected areas. site / lines (Vancouver) (October 2001): 5 – 6.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. Review of Deforestation in Viet Nam. By Rodolphe De Koninck. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 1999. Pacific Affairs 73(1): 145.

Ingram, G. B. 2000. Before the before, Review of 1999. Queer Sites: [Gay] Urban Histories since 1600. David Higgs (ed.). New York: Routledge. The Gay and Lesbian Review (Cambridge, Massachusetts) VII (2) (Spring, 2000): 54-55; From Moscow with love: Book explores queer geography of seven cities. Xtra West 169 (February 19, 2000): 19, 21 & Sexualities 3(4): 504 – 505.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. What’s public, what’s private: Book explore how lines between public and private sex spaces are constantly shifting. Review of Public Sex Gay Space (1999. William L. Leap (editor). New York: Columbia University Press) Xtra West 147 (April 1, 1999): 20 & Sexualities Journal.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Review of Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest: Production, Science, and Regulation. by Richard A. Rajala. Vancouver: UBC Press. 1998. Pacific Affairs 72(1): 155 – 157.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Review of Global Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating Environmental Agreements for the World, 1973 – 1992, Mostafa K. Tolba with Iwona Rummel-Bulska (MIT Press 1998) & The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics, Karen T. Litfin (editor) (MIT Press 1998). RECIEL 8 (2): 231 – 232.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Review of Talk and Log: Wilderness Politics in British Columbia. By Jeremy Wilson. Vancouver: UBC Press. 1998. Pacific Affairs 72(3): 482 & 483 & RECIEL 8(2): 235.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. A great high school book: Becoming Visible celebrates the history of U.S. gay politics. Review of Molly McGarry and Fred Wasserman. 1998. Becoming Visible: An Illustrated History of Lesbian and Gay Life in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Penguin Books. Xtra West 150 (May 13, 1999): 23.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Romancing the stereotype: National Park a natural spot to subvert queer stereotypes. Review of Private Investigations: Undercover in Public Space. Essays by Kathryn Walter and Kyo Maclear. Banff, Alberta: Banff Centre Press. 1999. Xtra West 151 (May 27, 1999): 17.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Going to the dogs: Nelson Park is underutilized as a gay space in the heart of the West End. Xtra West 156: 11.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Review of The Political Ecology of Forestry in Burma. By Raymond L. Bryant. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1996. Pacific Affairs 71(3): 444 – 445.

Ingram, G. B. 1999. Out takes: Queer cinema at Out On Screen (Savor a Mi – Claudia Margado-Escanilla, 1997 + interview; SPF 2000 – Patrick McGinn, 1997; Mrs. Craddock’s Complaint – Tony Ayres, 1997; Rash – Vicky Smith, 1997; Everything Will Be Fine – Angelina Maccarone, 1997; Sunflowers – Shawn Hainsworth, 1996; Dirty Baby Does Fire Island – Todd Downing, 1997; Dakan [Destiny] – Mohammed Camara, 1997) & The 1998 Vancouver International Film Festival (Streetheart – Charles Binamé, 1998; Xiu Xiu – The Sent Down Girl – Joan Chen, 1997; Non – Robert Lepage, 1998; Waalo Fendo [Where the Earth Freezes] – Mohammed Soudani, 1997; La vie sur terre – Abderrahmane Sissako, 1997; Taafé Fanga – Adama Drabo, 1997; Surrender Dorothy – Kevin DiNovis, 1998) Border / Lines 48: 44 – 49.

Ingram, G. B. 1998. Sentimental journeys. (Review of Paula Martinac. 1997. The Queerest Places: A guide to gay and lesbian historic sites. New York: Henry Holt). Xtra West.

Ingram, G. B. 1998. Review of Thomas Waugh. Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from Their Beginnings to Stonewall. 1996. New York: Columbia University Press. in Sexualities Journal (London) 1 (4): 489 – 491.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Metropolitan Water Use Conflicts in Asia and the Pacific. Edited by James E. Nickum and K. William Easter. Boulder (Colorado): Westview Press Studies in Water Policy and Management (Published in Cooperation with The East-West Center Program on Environment). 1994. Pacific Affairs 70(1): 108 – 109.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of War of the Mines: Cambodia, Landmines and the Impoverishment of a Nation. By Paul Davies. London: Pluto Press (Distributed in North America by Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado). 1994. Pacific Affairs 70(1): 161 – 162.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Wild China. Text by John MacKinnon and Photographs by Nigel Hicks. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 1996. Pacific Affairs 70(1): 124 – 125.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. sex migrants: Paul Wong’s video geographies of erotic and cultural displacement in Pacific Canada. FUSE 20(1): 17 – 26.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Sex Between Men: An intimate history of the sex lives of gay men postwar to present. by Doug Sadownick. 1996. New York: HarperCollins. Xtra West 93: 31.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. The staying powers of founding faerie. Review of Harry Hay (edited by Will Roscoe). 1996. Radically Gay: Gay Liberation in the Words of Its Founder. Boston: Beacon Press. Xtra West 95: 27.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Images of Power: Balinese Paintings Made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead. By Hildred Geertz. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1994. Pacific Affairs 70(2): 300 – 301.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Institutions for Environmental Aid. Robert O. Keohane and Marc A. Levy (eds.) Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. RECIEL 6(1): 99.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Reinventing Nature Responses to postmodern deconstruction. Michael E. Soulé and Gary Lease (eds.). Island Press, Washington, D.C. RECIEL 6(1): 103.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Contested landscapes & colliding maps in Pacific Canada topographies: aspects of recent B.C. art Vancouver Art Gallery September 29, 1996 – January 5, 1997. Art+Text (Sydney, Australia) 57 (May – July 1997): 92 – 93.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Ecological Design, Sim Van Der Ryn and Stuart Cowan. Island Press, Washington DC. 1996. Land Forum (Summer Fall 1997): 24 – 25.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Public art & homelessness: Behind the space industry. Review of Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1996. by Rosalyn Deutsche. FUSE 20(3): 47 – 48.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. SLOW RECKONING: The Ecology of a Divided Planet by Tom Athanasiou, London: Seeker & Warburg. RECIEL 6(2): 216 – 217. (Issue on Trade and Environment)

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of National Biodiversity Planning: Guidelines Based on Early Experiences Around the World. World Resources Institute coordinate by Kenton R. Miller and Steven M. Lanou. World Resources Institute Washington, D.C. 1995. RECIEL 6(3): 343.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of Balancing The Scales: Guidelines For Increasing Biodiversity’s Chances Through Bioregional Management. Kenton R. Miller. World Resources Institute, Washington, 1996. RECIEL 6(3): 343.

Ingram, G. B. 1997. Notes from the Vancouver International Film Festival: Between Marx and a Naked Woman, Licensed to Kill, Franz Fanon: Black Skin, White Skin, Happy Together, Regeneration, Clubbed To Death, East Palace, West Palace. Border / Lines 45: 46 – 48.

33.Ingram, G. B. 1997. Island enigmas. Review of Islands: Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Function. P. M. Vitousek, L. L. Loope, H. Adsersen (eds.) 1995. Berlin: Springer. Global Biodiversity (Ottawa) Winter 1997: 42 – 43.

34.Ingram, G. B. 1997. Review of The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainment by M. Chistine Boyer, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Transgressions: A journal of urban exploration 4: 123 – 124.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Public art and its discontents: Urban design and “public” art on the margins. Reviews of Urban Revisions: Current projects for the public world at the Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Montréal, University Art Museum, Berkeley, California, 1995; Urban Diary, Walter Hood, University Art Museum, Berkeley, 1995; and Dolores Hayden. 1995. The Power of Place: Urban landscapes as public history. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press. FUSE 19(2): 11 – 13.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Review of Paul Hallam’s 1993 The Book of Sodom. New York, Verso. Trangressions: A journal of urban exploration (Newcastle UK) 2 / 3: 125 – 126.

Ingram, G. B. Review of A Conspiracy of Optimism: Management of the National Forests Since World War Two. Paul W. Hirt. London: University of Nebraska Press. RECIEL 5(3): 274 – 275.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Review of Ecosystem Classification for Environmental Management. Frans Klijn (ed.) published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1994. RECIEL 5(3): 275.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. In search of queer space on the internet. Review of William J. Mitchell, City of Bits: Space, place, and the infobahn. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1995. & Allucquère Rosanne Stone, The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1995. Border / Lines 41: 48 – 50.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Review of Genetic resources: A practical guide to their conservation. by Daniel Querol. London: Zed Books. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (Rome) 108: 74.

Ingram, G. B. 1996. Review of Charles Darwin’s Letter a selection 1825 – 1859. Edited by Frederick Burhardt. 1996. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 108: 75 – 76.

Ingram, G. B. 1995 – 1996. Review of Mentawai Shaman: Keeper of the rain forest. Photographs and Journals by Charles Lindsay. Historical Essay by Reimar Schefold. New York: Aperture Books. 1992. Pacific Affairs 68(4): 620.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Review of Clearcut: The tragedy of industrial logging, edited by Bill Devall, San Francisco, Sierra Club Books, 1993. Forest & Conservation History 39(1): 34.

Fatona, A. and G. B. Ingram. 1995. scattered at the margins Out in Context: Work by queer students of Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver, January 4 to 12, 1995. FUSE 18(4) 30 – 31.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Borders and Fragments Review of Canadas [Semiotext(e) #17, Volume VI issue 2]. 1994. edited by Jordon Zinovich and the CANADAS collective, co-published by Semiotext(e), New York and marginal editions, Peterborough, Ontario. Border / Lines 36: 18 – 19.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Art + theory + activism in a time of AIDS Review of Beyond Recognition: Representation, Power, and Culture. by Craig Owens. Edited by Scott Bryson, Barbara Kruger, Lynne Tillman, Jane Weinstock. 1992. Berkeley, University of California Press and On the Museum’s Ruin. by Douglas Crimp with photographs by Louise Lawler. 1993. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press. FUSE 18(5): 43 – 44.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Review of Rich Forests, Poor People: Resource control and resistance in Java. By Nancy Lee Peluso. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1992. & In The Realm of the Diamond Queen: Marginality in an out-of-the-way place. by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press. 1993. Pacific Affairs 68(2): 301 – 303.

Ingram, G. B. 1995. Review of Uncontrollable Bodies: Testimonies of identity and culture. Rodney Sappington and Tyler Stallings (eds.). 1994. Seattle, Bay Press. Border / Lines 37: 53 – 54.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. Breaking the code: drawing / site / territory.” Review of book and film. They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever: Rock Writings in the Stein River Valley of British Columbia. By Annie Zetco York, Richard Daly, and Chris Arnett. Vancouver: Talonbooks 1993. and Bowl of Bone / Tale of the Syuwe by Jan-Marie Martell and Annie Zetco York. Vancouver: Turtle Productions 1992 / 1993. FUSE (Toronto) XVII (3): 37 – 39.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. Review of Biodiversity Prospecting: Using Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development. By Walter V. Reid, Sarah A. Laird, Carrie A. Meyer, Rodrigo Gámez, Ana Sittenfeld, Daniel H. Janzen, Michael A. Gollin, and Calestous Juma. World Resources Institute (WRI), Washington, D.C. (with Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), Costa Rica; Rainforest Alliance, USA; and African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya). Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (RECIEL) (London) 2(4): 384.

Ingram, G. B. 1994. Narratives that subvert site and identity (review of Urinal and Other Stories, John Greyson, 1993, Toronto, Art Metropole + The Power Plant). Angles (Vancouver) April 1994: 26.

Ingram, G. B. 1993. Review of Deforestation in the Postwar Philippines. By David M. Kummer. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press (University of Chicago Geography Research Paper. no. 234). Pacific Affairs (Vancouver) 66(2): 299 – 300.

Ingram, G. B. 1992-3. Review of Conflict Over Natural Resources In South-East Asia and thePacific. Edited by Lim Teck Ghee and Mark J. Valencia. New York: Oxford University Press. 1990. Pacific Affairs 65(4): 590 – 591.

Ingram, G. B. 1991. Review of Landscape Evaluation: Approaches and Applications. edited by Philip Dearden and Barry Sadler. Victoria, University of Victoria Department of Geography. BC Studies (Vancouver) 91 – 92 (1991-92): 231 – 232.

Ingram, G. B. 1990. Review of Design for Mountain Communities: A Landscape and Architectural Guide. by Sherry Dorward, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold. in Landscape Architecture Review / Revue d’Architecture de Paysage (Toronto) 11(4): 26.